The Field Energetics of
Body-Centered Psychotherapy
Relationship between Bras and
Breast Cancer, and Exercises for Breast Health
Polarity Yoga for Empowerment and Boundaries
Bodywork and Lifestyle for
Working on Your Own Feet or Trading with a Friend
Exercises for Specific Problems
Lecture Demo on Trauma Principles and STR
Working with Fluid Tides in
the Cranial System
Experiential Introductory Workshops on Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Three Tides and Foundation Training
Polarity Therapy Principles,
some Energy Exercises and the Basic Session
Reinstate Boundaries and Listen to your Anger before Forgiving
Defensive Responses A Key
to Abuse Recovery
The Bunion and Dowager
s Hump Workshop Posture and Exercises
Getting the Most from your
Power Walking
Playshop on Balls and Tuning Boards using them for Trauma Recovery, Fun and Conditioning
A Simple Prostate Exercise