Somatic Trauma Resolution (STR) Course 110
168 Classroom Hours over 20 days of training (usually in 6 modules),
plus 30 documented sessions given, 2 sessions received from STR or SE
practitioners, reading, and 4 written session reports. Materials include
three books (plus one unpublished ms.), and a gymnastic ball. Course may be
taken without certification for the same price.
a) Course Description
Somatic Trauma Resolution (STR) is based primarily on Somatic Experiencing,
Peter Levine's groundbreaking work with how to re-regulate our physiology
and nervous system when it has been traumatized. STR teaches the client to
become curious about bodily sensations in a way that opens neural pathways
and allows trauma-bound energy to safely discharge. You will learn
principles of the link between sensations and discharge, the importance of
carefully controlling the level of activation, and how this system is so
precise and reliably effective in building resiliency for future events as
well as healing the effects of overwhelm from the past. The work is usually
done as an adjunct to psychotherapeutic, allopathic, energy healing and
bodywork modalities, and for those who work with traumatized people. With
sufficient experience, some will do STR as a stand-alone modality. Many
experienced practitioners have called it the \u201cmissing link\u201d in healing
because of the grace and ease with which it effectively addresses a
difficult area of healing.
Additional practice, supervision and/or repeating the course at half price
may be required for some students to become proficient in the work.
Personal growth is an important element of training. Some students may make
personal growth their primary objective.
Educational objectives include:
· Theory of trauma model and its energetic component
· How the nervous system responds when overwhelmed
Autonomic and PolyVagal Nervous System
· Building resources and retraining the nervous system toward greater
· How tracking sensations opens the neural pathways to allow trauma-bound
energy to safely discharge
· Exercises to release frozen defensive responses (and come into body)
· Translating Emotions and Meaning into sensations to get discharge
· Greater access to gut feelings and wisdom
· Using your voice tone to support discharge
· Effect on energy fields and craniosacral system
Resourcing, incl. intuition, safe place
The Language of Sensations
Three-stage Titrations of
Boundaries (No and That\u2019s My Limit)
Frozen Defensive Responses (Spoken, Physical, Abuse)
Self-Tracking and Self-Care, including Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
Following the Resource & Trauma Vortex Waves
Palpating Shock in Field/by Touch
First Aid to Lower Activation level
Scrambling the time sequence: Turned out OK
Tracking Emotions into Discharge
Sensations, Image, Behavior, Affect, Meaning
Responsive sound-making for vocal tones that enhance or inhibit
Running Commentary on Principles during Demos
DVD\u2019s (extra charge) for reviewing material
Coupling Dynamics (Under and Over-Coupling)
Wave Back and Forth
Orienting Responses
Holding a container of compassion, loving kindness, sympathetic
joy and equanimity.
Softening the impact, changing the power balance
Inner child with STR
STR in Gestalt Therapy
Questions to organize/complete intention/direction
Releasing Force Vectors from blows, falls, words/sounds
Gymnastic Ball and Bodywork
Communication in relationships, pre-born and after death for transformation
of old patterns
Practice/Dyads and Triads
Co-dependency and enmeshment issues
Sexual Abuse, Rape
Accidents - resourcing, knowing, slowing and softening
Auto Accidents
Taking History
Pre and post op, anesthesia (incl. dental)
Grief and Loss
Intro to Disasters, Babies/Birth, Children and other Advanced Courses
Integration (previous STR students invited for this)
Six 3-4 day modules spread out through 18 months
(Note that course has been
lengthened for more leisurely integration.) Students are also invited to
attend additional courses at reduced price, as well as to purchase DVD\u2019s of
courses. (The material may trigger one\u2019s own unresolved trauma, making it
hard to fully absorb material the first time.)
f) Textbooks
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma; In An Unspoken Voice; Trauma Healing by Peter Levine;
Crash Course by Dianne Heller; Polyvagal Theory by Lori Parker (
Ms or book of cases and Course Syllabus by Sharon Porter $50
Cost: Approx.$3,600 depending on
maturity and stability. I don't expect you to be perfect, and there are lots of opportunities for personal growth
during the training, but if you are unstable with lots of unresolved stuff you will have difficulty learning the
material because you will be triggered all the time. You will be get extra sessions before and during the training,
and then take the training a second time if needed to absorb the material, eventually becoming great practitioners.
That may be okay in some circumstances, but talk to me (Sharon) before registering, so there are fewer surprises.
Satisfactory completion of this course leads to an STRP certification awarded by my Colorado Approved School, Health
Wave Institute.

Testimonials about
this course
Sharon Porter is
at the top of my list of the best trainers I have experienced. Her course in Somatic Trauma Resolution catapulted
me forward in my abilities to sense and intuitively choose the most effective timing, words, and non-verbal interventions
to reach and help my clients. I have instinctively modeled my style after Sharon's easy warmth and enthusiastic
delight in clients' breakthroughs. The "map" her course gave me to the traumatized nervous system and
how to help a client move towards healing has been a very powerful map for me and my clients.
Paul Chubbuck, M.A.
I am a body worker, and an energy worker. I can feel stuck areas of the body, and I did not have any means of permanently
releasing them. This work enables accessing and releasing of thoughts, beliefs, emotions and realities in a most
safe effective way. Every psychotherapist, every body worker, every teacher and every person on the planet who
interacts with other human beings needs to learn and practice this work.
Morgan de Thouars,
Denver M.T.
Sharon Porter is respected for her pioneering work in the field of Energy
Medicine - training practitioners, presenting at professional conferences, and seeing clients with a wide variety
of needs. She is the Program Director of the Health Wave Institute. Her credentials include: Certified Somatic
Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP), Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST
®), and approval by the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America ( to teach
their two-year professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Advanced Courses. Her training and
experience in Exercise and Yoga Therapies enables her to select postures and movements the client can do at home.
Sharon is Director of Health Wave Institute,
approved and regulated by the State of Colorado, Division of Occupational Schools. See courses listed on web site.
Sharon lives in Marina Del Rey, California with her husband, Dan Burgess, RCST ®, who assists her in trainings.
She is currently designing a video training program that will be accompanied by a forthcoming book.
In San Juan Capistrano, CA at 26000
Avenida Aeropuerto #199
For courses, travel schedule, articles, FAQ s, see
course flyer
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