We've Moved |
Health Wave Institute is no longer a Colorado State Board of Education Division of Private Vocational Schools approved school.
Sharon Porter and Dan Burgess have moved to San Juan Capistrano, in Orange County between L.A. and San Diego. John
Wayne Airport is closest airport, and we are two miles from an Amtrak station.
See Contact Us |
Sharon Porter is a Health Educator, Bodyworker, and Body-Centered Psychotherapist
gifted with experience, skill, compassion and humor. She maintains a private practice and has trained holistic
practitioners since 1974. Her school is Health
Wave Instititute, which offers professional and lay training in Trauma Work,
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity
Therapy (energy work), and more. Phone
sessions and video courses allow distance education. She also teaches in several locations. View Sharon's upcoming course schedule

Transform trauma into empowerment and healing
on all levels using a powerful new approach called Somatic
Trauma Resolution, based in part
on Somatic Experiencing. Trauma is defined as anything that is overwhelming to
the nervous system of an individual, so it may include birth, drugs, surgery, accidents and injuries, emotional
or physical shock, abuse, or even discouraging messages about ourselves. STR is an effective way to prevent chronic
problems from developing, or to release causes once illness has set in. A few STR sessions after an accident can
save years of psychotherapy, chiropractic, and drugs. You don t have to wait until Post-Traumatic Symptom Disorder
has set in. Basic STR skills, such as becoming
curious about our bodily sensations, are helpful to anyone.
View Sharon's
Somatic Trauma Resolution (STR) Course
and Joy
Sharon is a passionate advocate for Self Care -
everything you can do for yourself to move energy, ride your emotions, strengthen posture, enhance immune function,
strengthen and balance the spine, aid digestion, and turn imploded power into flexible boundaries, creativity and
joy. She offers an eclectic collection of exercises, sounds, and breaths from several traditions.
Health Wave Institute Mission
Health Wave Institute (HWI) offers quality training from experienced,
credentialed teachers in the field of Holistic health, with an emphasis on energy-based therapies. Our purpose
is to ease the suffering of humanity while encouraging greater conciousness. About
our name
Disclaimer: This web site, Sharon Porter, her staff and the Health
Wave Institute do not claim to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Please see your
physician for serious health problems. This is an educational content site.
2008 Health Wave Institute all rights reserved
Health Wave Institute, 26000 Avenida
Aeropuerto #199
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675